Activity for Lundinâ€
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Comment | Post #285061 |
That entirely depends on the type of connectors and the desired quality of the radio signal. The kind of low quality connectors where you just attach the copper wire to a screw terminal are easy to replace, sure. (more) |
— | about 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #285061 |
Not sure what you mean with antenna wire. But here's a bit of a head's up from someone who does work with antenna wires quite often in a professional setting: The ideal antenna wire IRL is a coaxial cable: copper surrounded by plastic surrounded by braided metal threads forming a shield, surrounded b... (more) |
— | about 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #284859 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: How do I ensure that character death is impactful at higher levels? Enforce a deal with the devil If your game lore is a fantasy one or similar, it likely has a God of death and a place where you go when you die. You can arrange it so that in order to get resurrected, it isn't sufficient to just pay x amount of resources - the dead person must also make a person... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #283744 |
Another version of this tool booth could also be a huge troll guarding a bridge - dangerous to fight, no way around. Suggestion for sign: "pay troll toll". You can make all manner of amusing dialogues from there. "How much is the toll?" "Troll? Uh... me one troll." "Not troll, toll" "Yes... pay t... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #283563 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: "You found a cursed ring!" How do I let the player roleplay it without spilling the beans to everyone prematurely? Use distractions and subterfuge. Prepare a note for each player in advance and pass them out all at once. But all notes contain irrelevant stuff save for one. Examples: > Bilbo: The ring you found in the caves is cursed. You find yourself strangely fascinated by it. You decide it is better to ... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #283514 |
What about tabletop games like Warhammer? They have more similarities to chess than to D&D. There's no character creation (but rather army/faction creation), no roleplay, but there is dice. There's some fantasy or sci/fi theme. (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |