Activity for qqmrichter
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Edit | Post #291518 | Initial revision | — | 10 months ago |
Answer | — |
A: How can I organize my DM notes in such a way that I have access to necessary information but not too much? I almost never use computerized tools for gaming, instead favouring a variety of note-taking that is nowadays called "bullet journalling" (though the technique long predates the popularization of that term). A brief summary (you'll have to dig up "bullet journal" on a search for full details) follow... (more) |
— | 10 months ago |
Edit | Post #291517 |
Post edited: |
— | 10 months ago |
Edit | Post #291517 | Initial revision | — | 10 months ago |
Answer | — |
A: Were V:tM rules intentionally badly designed? From interviews of the era, as well as his AMA, I'm pretty sure that Mark Rein·Hagen didn't deliberately make the rules broken because he didn't want people to use them, but rather did so out of a combination of factors: 1. A combined lack of grounding in (and desire to learn) the mathematics of p... (more) |
— | 10 months ago |