Posts tagged call-of-cthulhu-7e
For my Call of Cthulhu 7e game, I've used dream sequences for setting the tone, imparting subtle clues for the plot, and character development. They've convenient for dialing up the horror aspects ...
As you use skills in Call of Cthulhu 7e, any successes get marked on your character sheet, and can be used to make skill advancement checks when requested by the Keeper. Any extreme successes are a...
I'm planning on running a horror game of Call of Cthulhu 7e soon, over a text format. I'm familiar with the concept of safety tools in RPGs, which include ways for a person at the table to indicat...
I'm basing my character creation off of this CthulhuWiki page, which says this about Language(own): A character’s Mother Tongue. Choose the language best known to your investigator, such as Engl...
When are Size rolls used in Call of Cthulhu 7e? I've given my character a size of 80 (using the character generation guidelines on cthulhuwiki. I did so as I wanted to play a tall and fat chara...
Looking at the Call of Cthulhu 7E character sheet, I see two "investigator skills" that look very similar to me: "Elec Repair" and "Mech Repair". One is short for Electrical Repair, the other for M...