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Activity for Cereal Nommer‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Comment Post #288873 As stated, *vampiric touch* has a range of “Self”. The main effect of the spell is “The touch of your shadow-wreathed hand can siphon life force from others to heal your wounds.” As for the melee spell attack against a creature within your reach *vampiric touch* causes you to make, you are in fact...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #288750 Post edited:
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #288750 Post edited:
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #288750 Post edited:
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #288750 Post edited:
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #288750 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Question Is it possible to use Contingency + Vampiric Touch to save yourself from unconsciousness?
In a Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition game, I am playing a Wizard and considering the interaction between the contingency[^1] and vampiric touch[^2] spells. My goal is to explore the possibility of utilizing contingency to trigger vampiric touch when I fall unconscious, or immediately before falling un...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #287986 Initial revision almost 2 years ago
Answer A: How does the Spell Sniper feat work with the sorcerer's Distant Spell?
It's ambiguous, which means it's up to the DM. Both replacement effects occur "When you cast a spell" with some certain condition. However, when you cast a spell that (requires you to make an attack roll) & (that has a range of 5 feet or greater), it doesn't matter what order they double in. A...
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #285357 Okay, that took longer than I expected. So, I settled on requiring attunement by a sorcerer, and imposing the Lose An Eye effects on a character who didn't worship/serve Olhydra, while allowing the user to gain the Chilling Mist trait and Eye of Frost action. The party learned the benefits and requir...
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #287981 Post edited:
Forgot umber hulks are mentioned under Tremorsense and Guards and wards as their blood is a component.
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #287945 This sounds exactly like a character in a party I'm in. Our Gloomstalker Ranger/Rogue tends to head off away from the group to scout ahead and triggers traps or gets ambushed by monsters with tremorsense and blindsight.
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #287981 Post edited:
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #287979 This seems to be a lot of questions in one, most of which can be answered by reading a section of the document you refer to.
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #287981 Initial revision almost 2 years ago
Answer A: What Dungeons & Dragons content has been released under a CC license?
Simply put, the answer is the 403 page PDF. All of it. In order to list everything you can use under that document I would have to list the entire document. So here is a link to that document: SRD5.1-CCBY4.0Licenselive links.pdf If you want to know if a specific thing is included in the d...
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #287071 That restriction might be helpful to include in your question. It nixes a few other things I was considering. I don't I have any better ideas than dice/poker chips at this point then.
over 2 years ago
Comment Post #287071 I have another incomplete suggestion; consider variant or optional rules that reduce bookkeeping, such as Initiative Variants (DMG 270) to remove the need to record initiative scores, Spell Points (DMG 288) so you only have a single pool to track rather than spell slots, Level Advancement without XP ...
over 2 years ago
Comment Post #287071 Not a complete answer, but have you considered recording your sessions in lieu of note taking? If it's acceptable to all participants, a shared private live stream or even just a voice recorder phone app could make a record of your session, that the DM and players could listen back to and update note...
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #286497 Post edited:
Scribing costs in XGE range from 15 gp - 250,000 gp, not 480,000 gp.
over 2 years ago
Suggested Edit Post #286497 Suggested edit:
Scribing costs in XGE range from 15 gp - 250,000 gp, not 480,000 gp.
helpful almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #286507 Initial revision almost 3 years ago
Answer A: Does a Wizard automatically know how to craft scrolls from known spells?
Maybe (Ask your DM) Remember; Crafting A Magic Item is an optional Downtime Activity available to the DM to offer. Your DM may use these rules as presented, but interpreting vagaries is left to DM discretion. As written, nothing in the rules presented in the Dungeon Master's Guide indicate tha...
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #285357 Some good ideas here, but I went the other way on the environmental effects. It came just a bit too late though. This was evidently posted during the session, I'll try to update when it's less hectic.
about 3 years ago
Edit Post #284298 Post edited:
Suggest removing the parenthetical additional questions as irrelevant.
about 3 years ago
Edit Post #285260 Post edited:
update to tag relevance
about 3 years ago
Edit Post #285260 Post edited:
about 3 years ago
Edit Post #285260 Initial revision about 3 years ago
Question (How) Can PCs use the frosty orb of a one-eyed shiver?
The players in a Princes of the Apocalypse campaign I'm DMing have just defeated Morbeoth, a one-eyed shiver in the Crushing Wave cult. One player saw the magical orb he had in his eye socket and immediately wanted it for himself. Other cultists equipment sometimes contains caveats in the descript...
about 3 years ago
Suggested Edit Post #284298 Suggested edit:
Suggest removing the parenthetical additional questions as irrelevant.
helpful about 3 years ago
Edit Post #284559 Post edited:
Typo in title
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #284367 I don't advocate going overboard with details, but I find most GMs, especially when starting out, tend to under-describe a scene rather than over-describe it. Some exceptions exist, but including enough detail that everyone at the table can imagine basically the same scene is important. If two pla...
over 3 years ago
Suggested Edit Post #284559 Suggested edit:
Typo in title
helpful over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284367 Post edited:
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284367 Post edited:
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284367 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Answer A: How do I ensure a game is immersive when playing remotely?
Be very descriptive, in whatever medium you use. Detailed description of the environment, NPCs and scene make the game come alive. Engage multiple senses when you describe the scenario. The sights, sounds and smells the player characters perceive can contribute to their immersion. This can be o...
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #284312 @#54148 And _burning hands_ has a range of self, and has no spell attack. Would you assume the creatures or objects in the firey cone that extends from the caster aren't targets? You could potentially make a decent argument that the object **is** a target here. Lack of an attack roll, or explicitl...
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #284312 Or not literal enough. Nothing in the spell description actually explicitly describes the object as a target. You also choose a direction, but it's quite a stretch of the imagination to say the direction is also a "target". The creature that fails a saving throw is literally referred to as "the...
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #284297 @#53503 You said > [...] Fireball technically only "targets" one person [...] Fireball technically targets a point of origin for an area of effect, that you choose **and** all creatures (and flammable objects that aren't being worn or carried) in the area, that you don't. I think you have som...
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284301 Post edited:
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284301 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Answer A: How does the Armorer artificer's Arcane Armor feature interact with heavy armor?
Yes, you missed an important feature of the Armorer subclass. The Armorer subclass of the Artificer also has the Tools of the Trade feature when they take the subclass at third level. Tools of the Trade gives the Armorer proficiency with heavy armor and smith's tools. (Or a different type of arti...
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #284297 Fireball actually targets a point of origin, **and** all the creatures in the AoE. The point about creatures in the AoE of a line spell, or taking no damage or effect on a successful save is a good point. It seems pretty clear that at least A and B must be targets. The potential to be affected by ...
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284290 Post edited:
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284290 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Question How to determine the target(s) of Catapult?
In the D&D 5th Edition Player's Handbook Spellcasting section, under Casting a Spell, we find a loose definition of "target" for spells. > A typical spell requires you to pick one or more targets to be affected by the spell's magic. A spell's description tells you whether the spell targets creatu...
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #284262 @#54107 There is a Banker role in Monopoly, and player choices and social interaction can change the game dynamic drastically when negotiating property trades, yet it's clearly a board game. Reason and logic, and the choices of individual players is the entirety of a game of chess, but despite pl...
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284262 Post edited:
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284262 Initial revision over 3 years ago