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Activity for tommi‭

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Comment Post #291517 Thanks for the answer; this sounds very credible. I could not immediately find this in the AMA, but maybe I am just bad at searching. Do you have a more precise link there or could you name some of those interviews?
10 months ago
Comment Post #287501 No, not really, just Discord talk, but by people who might be right (but maybe not). Hence the question.
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #290883 Initial revision about 1 year ago
Answer A: How can I organize my DM notes in such a way that I have access to necessary information but not too much?
This depends heavily on how you are running the game. For a sandbox I just had each location in its own folder on my computer, with a map or the original adventure I used for that location there, and then a text file with notes and changes, and another for random encounters. Cities had a rumour...
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #290146 Post edited:
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #290146 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: What's the average skill gain from successes in Call of Cthulhu?
Ignoring the extreme success case for now, and supposing the skill gives a probability p of success, then the probabilities of succeeding on the skill roll and then failing the learning roll (that is, getting the increase) is p(1-p). This is a parabel with top at 1/2 and zeros at 0 and 1. It is symme...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #288083 Thanks for the response, but I am looking and the question asking information on whether the rules were intentionally badly designed; that is, whether the designers tried to make them bad rules. Whether the rules ended up bad or not, or whether a given group succeeded with them or not, does not do mu...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #288248 Post edited:
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288248 Initial revision almost 2 years ago
Question Mechanical similarities or differences between Monsters! Monsters! and Tunnels and trolls
Monsters! Monsters! is a less known game by Ken St. Andre, the designers of Tunnels and trolls. From what I understand one plays monsters there, rather than adventurers. Wikipedia claims the rules are essentially compatible with Tunnels and trolls. On the home page of M!M! there is an adventure th...
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #287946 Initial revision about 2 years ago
Answer A: How to handle time when a separated party member enters combat alone?
The procedure 1. Ask for what everyone is doing. (Action declarations.) 2. After everyone has declared and thereby initiated their actions, that is, their characters have committed and are starting to do their thing, you can start processing how the actions go. 3. Process the actions starting fr...
about 2 years ago
Edit Post #287501 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Question Were V:tM rules intentionally badly designed?
Rumours tell that Vampire: The Masquerade was designed with purpose to be a trainwreck when it comes to the mechanics, so that people would not use them. Was this really the case? And what evidence is there for or against it, aside from the nature of the rules themselves and similar sentiments in ...
over 2 years ago
Comment Post #287411 Ticket to ride, as in the board game from 2004?
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287177 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Question How to survive the spectrepocalypse?
In D&D 3 (and related games), a spectre can easily kill normal people and spawns other spectres, leading to an exponential apocalypse fairly easily. What reliable means of long-term protection from spectres exist in the rules? The scenario A single spectre stops hanging around in its old tom...
over 2 years ago
Comment Post #286719 Yeah, but can you support this interpretation of «GM mystery cult» in rpg discourse with examples from actual discussions? It is certainly a possibility, but I wonder if that is how it is actually used. It would elevate the answer from a nice idea to one supported with evidence.
over 2 years ago
Comment Post #286719 An interesting perspective to consider it as a religious mystery cult. Can you cite uses of the term that correspond to this to improve the answer? I have mostly seen pejorative usage, and would myself use it in a negative sense.
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #286708 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Question What does «GM mystery cult» mean and where does it come from?
As far as I understand, the term is sporadically used in the indie community or former Forge diaspora. I searched for it in the Forge archives, but got no hits. What is the source of the term and is there a clear definition? My current understanding is that it refers to the game master not bein...
over 2 years ago
Comment Post #286596 Thanks for the answer. Do you have any idea if or documentation that this use created or influenced the tabletop use? The 2007 use is as old as the forum references I mentioned, which would also be consistent with a common third source, such as maybe digital games. Or maybe digital games got it from ...
almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #285990 Initial revision about 3 years ago
Question Did Mentzer and Gygax play together?
Did Gary Gygax and Frank Mentzer play together in one more sessions of D&D (or some other roleplaying game)? They worked at TSR and co-authored D&D products. One would expect one of them to have run a game for the other, or them to have played in a shared game, but expectation is not the same as k...
about 3 years ago
Edit Post #284767 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Answer A: How do I ensure that character death is impactful at higher levels?
1. Keep it easy and trust the players The game is about playing your dream hero, and it is inconvenient for everyone if they die before it is dramatically appropriate. Hence, resurrection. So let it be. If the death was dramatically appropriate, the player is probably happy with the character h...
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284666 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Question Fighting fantasy rpg and CYOA books
To my understanding, the Fighting fantasy rpg (and Troika! as a more-or-less retroclone) use the same rule system as the choose your own adventure gamebooks of Steve Jackson, Warlock of firetop mountain and so on. What does this mean exactly? Can I use those rules to make a character and play them...
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284622 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Answer A: How important are Sorcerer supplements when running the game for the first time?
I asked Ron Edwards, the designer of the game and the supplements. He stated that the core book by itself is completely sufficient, and one should be careful not to overcomplicate things with the supplements at first.
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284582 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Question When did "sandbox" come to prominence as a piece of jargon?
When did "sandbox" become a popular term in rpg discourse? It has been suggested to me that it came from computer games to roleplaying. Was this the case and when did this happen? This thread at Enworld from 2007 uses the term and assumes familiarity. This thread uses different terminology, ...
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284580 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Question History of Wizards of the Coast's forums
The first online RPG community I found, after Johnn Four's gamemastering tips email newsletter, was the forum hosted by Wizards of the Coast. This was certainly after the publication of D&D 3.0, and probably before the publication of D&D 3.5. I also remember that at some point the forums were comp...
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #284367 Do long and detailed descriptions add to things on the player side? The advice is often given, but does it actually rely on some evidence?
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284560 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Question How important are Sorcerer supplements when running the game for the first time?
Sorcerer has a number of supplements: Sorcerer and sword, Sex and sorcery and Sorcerer's soul, if I remember the names correctly. How relevant are they when running the game for the first time? Is the (Annotated) Sorcerer rulebook enough and do the others add mostly complications and advanced alte...
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284559 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Question What and how major are the changes from Apocalypse world first edition to second edition?
Some games, like Call of Cthulhu, have remained pretty much the same from edition to the next (except the newest edition, which has significant changes), while for other games, like D&D the different editions are completely different games with different creative goals. What is the situation with ...
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #284121 Feel free to edit if you feel strongly about this. I don't mind either way and not my native language.
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284121 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Question How to find out the purpose of play of a con game?
In a con game, or other one-shot with strangers, I often meet the problem that I don't really know how the game master and the other players are going to approach the game, or would like me to do the same. An archetypal example is Call of Cthulhu. Are we there to... try to, as players, solve the my...
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #283893 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Answer A: What kinds of encounters besides for combat can I include in a game?
I suggest thinking non-player characters, places and objects rather than encounters. Since you write about "dm" and have "dm tips" as a tag, I assume you are running some edition of Dungeons and dragons. This does not yet tell much, as every edition of it is a very different game. The approach I s...
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #283891 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Answer A: "You found a cursed ring!" How do I let the player roleplay it without spilling the beans to everyone prematurely?
The most relevant question is, why would you not let everyone know. The best way to answer is to consider what are the creative priorities for this group playing this campaign here and now, and what different levels and techniques will give or take from those creative priorities. Why do we keep playi...
over 3 years ago